Saturday, February 21, 2009

Minor Tweaks

If you’ve been a regular follower of the Jake D Werm Unemployment Blog, you’ll notice a slight change starting today. I am no longer counting the days in the headline section of the postings. I’ve decided to forgo that descriptor for two reasons.

First, I had a premonition that it might start to get depressing if the numbers started get into the high double digits, or beyond. Hopefully it wouldn’t have gotten that far, but can you imagine a header titled: Unemployment Day Two Hundred and Sixty Seven – “Becoming Howard Hughes”? I don’t think even Martin Scorsese could make that one watchable. No thanks. For the sake of my sanity, I’ll just turn a blind eye to how many days it’s been. I figure ten days is a good round number to count to and I’ll stop now.

The second reason is a bit more cheerful. I’ve achieved the main goal I set for myself the day I was laid off. This coincided with the day that Christine left for her two-week road trip for work. I told myself that I would find some form of income by the time she returned from the sunshine of AZ and FL to the fresh snow of MN. I managed to do that late last week by booking my first freelance gig. And, though it’s not a huge project or a boatload of money, it’s a start. And hopefully it will lead to more work with that company once they see what I can do for them. So, technically I am no longer “unemployed.” I’m working, but merely dirt poor.

Maybe instead of counting that days since unemployment began, it would be better to count the days toward something.

- We’re one day away from Oscar night...and I'm just a-twitter with excitement (too bad you can't hear sarcasm in a blog)
- Easter is less than two months away
- We’re one month from the first day of spring
- 78 days until the fishing opener
- 134 days until the Fourth of July when I can watch my wife lose her mind over some really good fireworks (it's one of the great things to witness)
- Hey, if we’re one month away from the first day of spring, that means we’re one month away from the day I turn 34...err...
…wait, maybe this counting up thing isn’t such a good idea either. Like any concept, I’ll keep making these minor tweaks.

P.S. Keep checking the Portfolio Post as I'm continuing to add content as I get it available for web viewing. Also, I have a more robust portfolio in the works at

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