Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Resume of a Dork

In today's post you'll get an indication of how I deal with stress. As you can imagine, dealing with stress is a key ingredient in Unemployment Pie. Mmmm, I sure do love me a slice of hot unemployment now and then. As a matter of fact, it's becoming apparent that dealing with stress is a major ingredient in Freelance Stew as well. You can find it in Nine to Five Flapjacks, Homeowner Hash, Marriage Meringue or really anywhere in the Daily Life Buffet.

So, my reaction is to take one of the most dry, boring, adult activities and give it the finger, by treating it like a kid. THE RESUME. I spent my blog time today re-writing my resume. Yeah, it's childish, but that's kind of the point. I was surprised how much I learned about myself by trying not to take anything seriously. I think a lot of people could benefit from this activity.
So, here's my new resume. The resume of a Dork. It's a Redorkume, if you will.


Redorkume--The Resume of a Dork


  1. You may want to edit this post after you read it, but I do believe you assisted in building the P1 "Masterpiece," never officially given a name. However, it was a combination of the work of Michelangelo and the McKenzie brothers of "Strange Brew." I'm sure we could dig up a photo for you to post here;)

  2. I know exactly the masterpiece you're referring to. I believe there was also a little Egyptian Pyramid architecture in there as well. By all means, send a photo if you have it...
