Sunday, February 15, 2009

Unemployment Day Seven - "Maybe on the Eighth Day..."

And on the seventh day, he rested. What? Rest? Apparently the Lord Almighty has never been unemployed, or has ever tried to build a business from scratch during a deep recession. Sure, he created the universe, the stars, light, plants, animals and people from a ball of mud, all in a week’s time. But, I’d like to see him raise a little revenue while the GDP is shrinking at a rate of 1.5% per quarter.

I’m convinced it can be done, though.

After all, I conquered the house revamp in less than a week. Now all I have to do is conquer the American open market. I have a couple of friends who own businesses. Last night we had drinks with one friend who has been very successful, even in down-turns like this. It’s encouraging to know that people are making it happen for themselves. If you turn on the news, and confine yourself to the one-note information from the media, it would be easy to think that the earth is standing still. It’s not. Things may be revolving slower, on an axis that needs a little grease, but if you see things with the right eyes and look in the right places, you can see where there’s movement. Listen with the right ears, you can hear the creaking.

I just have to follow the sound, look for the movement and make it work.

As I said in my last post, Christine is home for just a bit, so these posts are going to be shorter. I'm off to try and keep up with my wife.

Rest? Maybe on the eight day…

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