Wednesday, April 1, 2009


If you're a follower of this site, you've noticed a few things:
1. There are times when Jake D Werm may very well be off his rocker (re-writing a Bon Jovi song into the unemployment anthem--see the March 3 posting).
2. Hopefully, you've noticed that I enjoy writing.
3. I am not posting as often as I did when I was a rookie in this whole unemployment thing.
4. I'm ignoring the fact that nobody responded to the latest post requesting an assignment (I may very well be writing to myself, which proves point number one, beyond any doubt).

The reason for number three is mainly due to the fact that I've been pretty busy the last couple of weeks with freelance work. Unemployed yet busy? Hmm. A paradox.

I've been struggling a little with a question. It's been almost two months since the layoff (hereafter referred to as The Great Sacking of 2009). However, I've made a lot of progress with the freelance business. So, the question is; when do I stop referring to myself as unemployed? Did that happen when I booked my first freelance gig? Is there an income threshold that I should meet before I can safely say that I am a freelancer and not a bum posing as productive member of society? Or, will I remain under the "Unemployed" banner until Uncle Sam stops dropping money in my account?

Whatever the case, I'm feeling a little odd about the Jake D Werm Unemployment Blog. Not because I don't enjoy writing posts. But rather, I'm not sure it's completely accurate any more. And, that's not to say that the blog will go away.

However, I think a transition is on the blogosphere's horizon. Into what, I'm not sure? Maybe it will become Jake D Werm's "I'm No Longer Unemployed, and Yet I Can't Claim to Be Employed" Transition Blog. Maybe I'll start the Jake D Werm Freelance Forum. Or a Writer's Rant. Maybe I'll go a completely different direction and create Jake D Werm's Terrifying Tales of Tangletown.

Not sure. More than likely it will be focused on the freelance angle. Stay tuned. And thanks for reading.


  1. Hey Jake - no matter how long you freelance or how much coin you make doing so, I vote that you always refer to yourself as "unemployed." It reminds you that you don't answer to the man and makes you more interesting at parties.

  2. Hi jake,can you share the link in doing freelance? Im an intern now thanks to itrabaho but i still want to earn more during vacant time at home.
